
Clary Stolte

Royal Academy of Art; Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht / Fine Arts 
- Art Rotterdam, with Regina Schumann, Dave Meijer Clary Stolte and Frank Halmans, Galerie van den Berge, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2010
- SNO, Contemporary Art Projects - IS- Projects, Sydney, Australia, 2010
- 'Light and space 3 - Lumen', groupshow K09, Groningen, the Netherlands, 2009
- 'Rashomon', groupshow with a.o. Daniel Gottin, Rene van den Bos, Gracia Khouw, John Adair, Jasper van der Graaf, Kyle Jenkins. Le Petit Port, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2009
-  'Abstract realities', groupshow with a.o. Jan van der Ploeg, Tilman, Richard van der Aa, Julie Spielman, Michael Bolt Fischer, Lynne Harlow. Curated by Kyle Jenkins, USQ Gallery, Toowoomba, Australia, 2009
- 'Pour faire simple', openingshow with o.a.  Richard van der Aa, Christoph Dahlhausen, Jacek Przybyszewski, Pam Aitken, Sanne Bruggink, 
   Julian Dashper, Billy Gruner, Jose Heerkens, Sarah Keighery, Vaclav Krucek , Kate Mackay,  Iemke van Dyk, Jacques Weyer,  Guido Winkler, PARISCONCRET, Paris, France, 2009
- 'Colour / Non Colour', groupshow with a.o. Mirjam Hagoort, Marc Nagtzaam, Dave meijer, Schilte en Portielje, Paul Gees, Jus Juchtmans, Mark Kramer, Marinus van Dijke, Galerie van den Berge, the Netherlands, 2008
- 'Finimal, art as a painkiller', groupshow members Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2008
- 'IS-PROJECTS @ De Waag', Gallery presentations with Gilbert Hsiao, Guido Winkler, Eric de Nie, Clary Stolte, de Waag, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2008
- 'Properties', groupshow with Iemke van Dijk, Rene Eicke, Jasper van der Graaf, Pieter Geraedts, Sarah Keighery, Alexandra Roozen, Leopoldine Roux, Clary Stolte, IS-PROJECTS, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2008
- 'Visual Moods' Collectionexhibition with a.o. Jan Andriesse, Rob Birza, Krijn de Koning, Rinke Nijburg, Katinka Lampe, Martijn Schuppers, Stadsgalerij Heerlen, the Netherlands, 2008
- Art Amsterdam, Galerie van den Berge, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2008
- 'Colour and Matter', Duoshow with Nan Groot Antink, Kunstruimte 09, Groningen, the Netherlands, 2008
- 'Works on paper #2', groupshow with Jan Peter Muilwijk, Peter Morrens, Patrick Gabler, Marc Nagtzaam, Frank Halmans, Ingrid van der Hoeven, Marinus van Dijke, 2008
- Art Amsterdam, Galerie van den Berge, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,  2007  
- `SpaceForOneArtWork: `PIECE III', Buro Empty, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007
-`On-Line', groupshow  Kunstlijn Kloostergangen, Haarlem, the Netherlands, 2007
- `Ingekomen stukken', groupshow, Galerie van den Berge, Goes, the Netherlands, 2007
- 'A BIT 'O WHITE', groupshow with amongst others, Jan van der Ploeg, Julian Dashper, Klaas Kloosterboer, 
   Tom Benson, curated by Tilman, CCNOA, Brussels, Belgium, 2007
- Group show, Galerie van den Berge, Goes, The Netherlands, 2007 
- 'CONCRETE ZAKEN', groupshow, curated by Jan Maarten Voskuil, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, the Netherlands, 2006
- `MODEL 003', Galerie van den Berge, soloshow, Goes, the Netherlands, 2006 
- Art Amsterdam / Kunstrai 2006, galerie van den Berge, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2006
- Art Rotterdam, with Frank Halmans, Wolfgang Ellenrieder, Galerie van den Berge, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2006
- Lineart 2005, with Frank Halmans, Marc Nagtzaam, galerie van den Berge, Gent, Belgium, 2005
- 'LOKAAL ABSTRACT', groupshow, RC de Ruimte, IJmuiden, the Netherlands, 2005
- 'THE NEW VIEW INDICATOR #2' 15 years Galerie van den Berge, groupshow, Goes, the Netherlands, 2005
- 'ABSTRACTE SALON PART 2', groupshow, Kunstruimte09, Groningen, the Netherlands, 2005
- Art Amsterdam / KunstRai, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2005
- Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2005
- 'LA ART SHOW', groupshow, Raids Projects, Los Angeles, USA, 2005
- Galerie van den Berge, with Dave Meyer, Goes, The Netherlands, 2004
- 'MAG IK EVEN. BORDUREN', groupexhibition, galerie De Schone Kunsten, Haarlem, The Netherlands, 2004
- 'LADENKASTPROJECT', groupexhibition, galerie Phoebus, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2004
- ARCHIVES ARTisSTART, contribution archive contemporary art, isbn 90 72151 12 7, Middelburg, The Netherlands, 2004
- THE ARMORY SHOW, groupexhibition Raid Projects, New York, USA, 2004
- 'BISON CARAVAN', groupexhibition, concept H. Hofstede (Aarhus-Denmark), Watertoren, Vlissingen,
   The Netherlands, 2004
- 'KUNSTENAAR VAN DE WEEK' (artist of the week), soloexhibition, Chiellerie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004
- 'PLASTIC MEMORY 2', with soundartist Radboud Mens, de Verschijning, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2003
- De Watertoren, groupshow, curated by Joyce van Elzakker, Vlissingen, The Netherlands, 2003
- `LADENKASTPROJECT', groupshow, galerie Phoebus, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2003
- `PLASTIC MEMORY', with Radboud Mens - soundartist, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, The Netherlands, 2003
- `MEMBERS ONLY', groupshow, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2003
- `INDEPENDANCE', contribution Boltanski Project, groupshow, South London Gallery, England, 2003
- 'IMAGES OF DESIRE 3', groupshow Art Walk, curated by Jan van der Ploeg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2003
- `SENSE', Installation with dancers, dancefestival `Het Kabinet danst met elkaar 3', Open Haven Museum, Amsterdam, 
   The Netherlands, 2003
- `NON MEMBERS ONLY', group exhibition Arti et Amicitiae, curated by Jan Maarten Voskuil, Amsterdam, 
  The Netherlands, 2002
- `RED LIGHT 2', group exhibition, Winston Hotel, curated by Jan van der Ploeg, Amsterdam, 
  The Netherlands, 2002
- Maple Partners Europe B.V., solo exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2002
- `TRANSPARENCYDENSITY 1' Showcase-NL, solo exhibition, curator Jan van der Ploeg, Amsterdam, 
   The Netherlands, 2001
- FOTOBIENNALE, group exhibition, Luxus, Den Haag, the Netherlands, 2001
- `INGEKOMEN STUKKEN', openbare presentatie, Stroom hcbk, Den Haag,the Netherlands, 2001
- Ice Gallery, Groupexhibition, Kakslauttanen, Lapland, Finland, 2001
- Club Limon, video/group exhibition, Stereo Sushi Bar, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2001
- `PIL' Painting Image Limited, group exhibition, Gallery Outline, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2000
- `0900-ARTCOMNU' Smuggle 99/00 with Yvonne Droge Wendel, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2000
- `KIEK' Vier de Kunstvlaai, Dotroom, Winston Hotel, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2000
- Van der Waals en Zeinstra Architects, solo exhibition, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2000
- LUXUS, Solo exhibition, The Hague, the Netherlands, 1999
- `HELP' Dotroom, Winston Hotel, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (co-operating Nadia Gyr en Gabri묠Kousbroek), 1999
- `R2K' Renaissance 2000 project, group exhibition, Dallas, USA, 1999
- `THE BORED AND THE TEMPTED', group exhibition Gallery Outline, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1999
- RECHTBANK (Court of Justice), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1999
- LEK ART, group exhibition, Culemborg, curated by Hans Paalman; director Stedelijk Museum Schiedam,
  The Netherlands, 1998
- PLEINTHEATER, solo exhibition, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1998
- `BAKKERIJ' (bakery) solo exhibition in former bakery, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1997
- `FLAT IN AMERIKA', group exhibition, Vrieshuis Amerika, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1997
- 'Japan from Western perspective point of view: Rashomon', Portal Leiden, the Netherlands, 2009 
- 'Tentoonstelling VISUAL MOODS in Stadsgalerij Heerlen', Nieuwsbank.nl, the Netherlands, 2008 
- 'Winter in Stadsgalerij Heerlen', Heerlen.nl, the Netherlands, 2008 
- 'Properties in IS-Projects', Witte Weekblad, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2008 
- Danda website, danda.be, 2008 
- SMOKERS WANTED, Artweblog Trendbeheer, the Netherlands, 2007 
- SMOKERS WANTED, Intranet City Haarlem.nl, the Netherlands2007 
- Artipedia, Art news, 'A BIT 'O WHITE', 2007 
- 'A BIT 'O WHITE', Kunstaspekte, Germany, 2007
- `A BIT 'O WHITE', preview, Tema Celeste, Italy, 2007
 - 'A BIT 'O WHITE', publication by CCNOA, Brussels, Belgium, 2007
- REVIEW, groupshow, galerie van den Berge, PZC, the Netherlands, 2007
- `CONCRETE ZAKEN', publication by Stichting de Loge, Haarlem, the Netherlands, 2006
- 'CONCRETE ZAKEN - 'A COMMENT' Peter Bruyn / CUT UP-The art of living in a medialised landscape, 2006
- 'CONCRETE ZAKEN @ NIEUWE VIDE', Peter Luining, ctrlaltdelete.org, artweblog, 2006
- MINUS SPACE reductive art, website, New York, USA, 2006
- 'ART AMSTERDAM / KUNSTRAI 2006', ctrlaltdelete.org, artweblog, 2006
- `SCHILDEREN MET HAARGEL' (painting with hairgel) Janneke Wesseling, AMC Magazine, 2005
- 'EEN ABSTRACTE NACHTWACHT' door Eric Bos, Dagblad van het Noorden, 2005
- 'COLOUR MATTERS', de Abstracte Salon part 1/part 2' publicated Kunstruimte 09, Groningen, the Netherlands, 2005
- 'AANSPREKEND WERK IN DE WATERTOREN', Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant, the Netherlands, 2003
- `DIEPTEOPPERVLAK 1A/ 2000', CIORAN63.COM, artlog, the Netherlands, 2002
- WEBSITE www.ClaryStolte.nl, 2002
- WEBSITE SHOWCASE-NL, the Netherlands, 2002
- WEBSITE Arts Council of Lapland, Finland, 2001
- WEBSITE Haagse Rondgang, Den Haag, the Netherlands, 2000
- PROGRAM BOOK, Pleintheater, Clary Stolte, the Netherlands, 1998
- `HET ZIJAANZICHT VAN EEN SLAGROOMPUNT', Uitkrant Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1998
- `CLARY STOLTE VERGROOT DE DINGEN VAN DE DAG', Utrechts Nieuwsblad, the Netherlands, 1998
- CATALOGUE, publication Lek Art, the Netherlands, 1998
Secondary activities  
- Workingperiod Artist in Residence, Lapland, Finland, 2001
- Studytrip Florence, Italy, 1992 & 1994
- Violinist in various ensembles and orchestras, 1980 - present
Works in Collections
2008 Collection Museum Stadsgalerij Heerlen, Heerlen, the Netherlands
2003/ present  Various private collections The Netherlands and abroad
2005 Collection AMC Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2001/2007 Maple Partners BV, Nederland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2002/ present   Kunstuitleen CBK Drenthe, The Netherlands
2004 Gemeente Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2002 Van der Waals en Zeinstra Architecten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1999 Rely Financial Consultants NV, The Netherlands


